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The Most Important Way to Become a Better Dance Partner

It takes two to tango, we know this. But the most important part of being half of a couple is to work together. Not everyone comes to each situation with the same mindset or skills. Quite frankly, as it relates to ballroom dancing, one partner may be a bit more coordinated and the other may have more patience for learning new things.

Here’s the key point to becoming a dancing duo: communication. You must be aware of your partner’s strengths and weaknesses. Further, you must be able to feel comfortable enough so your partner can help you when you feel vulnerable. It’s a two-way street.

Now, assuming you both are coming to the dancefloor with the best attitude possible (you agree to be there and work together to learn and have fun!) there is one very important thing you can do to improve your ability to be the best dance partner possible.  

Be a Great Listener.

You’ve heard the talk about the difference between hearing and listening, right? “Hearing” is simply the ability to perceive sound, as in: your ears work!

However, listening is a whole different thing. Listening requires you to be open to whatever the other person is trying to communicate. It assumes you are going to try to not only “hear” the words but also convey that you’ve received the message.

In dancing, this may be a willingness to shift as your partner is trying to move you around the dance floor. It may be a non-verbal hand-squeeze or smile that let’s the other person know you understand and agree. Or, it can actually be verbal including a compliment or acknowledgement of something around you.

However, if you are not paying attention and listening — to your partner and instructor — you are not likely to fall in love with ballroom dancing.

At Arthur Murray, we want the chance to teach you all about the wonders of ballroom dancing. You’ll learn not only how to be a great partner, but also about how much fun you can have when embracing a new activity. Join us!

Contact us today to reserve your free first dance lesson. You’ll walk in and dance out!

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