Like the Confection, the Merengue is a Sweet Treat for Dancers

There are many versions of how the beautiful Merengue came to be. Some are more celebratory than others. Regardless of its origins, this national dance of the Dominican Republic (and its island neighbor Haiti) have remained popular with anyone who loves to move to a Latin beat.
One thing is for sure about Merengue music, it changes constantly -- keeping dancers on their toes. There are slow starts and sharp, quick tempo changes that make this dance one to perform and watch in clubs. This dance came to the United States by way of New York City but spread like wildflowers through the country as people came to love the easy, fun steps that can be performed in small spaces by big crowds!
Get to Know the Many Health Benefits of Merengue Dance
All dances have tremendous health benefits. Latin dances, however, especially the slow-and-quick-paced Merengue are especially beneficial for the body
Heart Healthy! While this dance is less intense than other Latin options, the Merengue gets your heart beating fast and then allows it to slow down. It’s the perfect cardio for those who hate the gym!
Lose Weight! True, there are small steps in Merengue but lots of small movements add up to a big calorie burner! Even at the slower pace, Merengue dancers report the pounds melting off with continued dancing!
Bone Strength! For those who have joint pain and osteoporosis, small movements are best. Merengue keeps you moving without wearing out your bones even further. Since you aren’t jumping around, you only experience mild to moderate impact on the joints, making Merengue a favorite dance option for all ages.
Take a Chance! Learn to Dance at Arthur Murray! The First Lesson is FREE
With some Latin dances, Tango for example, it’s easy to get caught up with your partner and pretend like the dance floor is yours alone. Merengue, however, is quite a social dance. You’ll meet plenty of new people who are looking to get all the great health benefits out of the fantastic dance.
Get involved with dancing at Arthur Murray -- your new friends await your arrival. Contact us today to schedule your free first dance lesson. It’s fun! It’s free! And there’s never been a better time to try something new.
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