What Are You Waiting for? Do the Hustle!

Depending on your age, visions of a dashing John Travolta may come to mind when you hear the word “Hustle.” Saturday Night Fever certainly helped the unique dance regain the spotlight in the 1970s. Today, it’s such a lively group dance that people of all ages want to get in on the fun.
It may have started out as a fad in New York City or Florida (brought over by Cubans), and no one really can say for sure who started the craze (prior to its crashing onto the movie dance floor in 1977). The one truth is that the Hustle has stood the test of time despite the fading of Disco’s popularity.
The Hustle is Much More than a Line Dance
In fact, at Arthur Murray, the Hustle Dance is lively and great for couples. While many think of the Hustle as a line dance, plenty of ballroom dancers can tell you that couples’ Hustle is a wonderful “touch” dance. It can be done in clubs and social settings -- always promising tons of smiles and so much fun for all.
Did You Know?
Ladies took up The Hustle first in the 1960s -- as a line dance. But men got out on the dance floor, too, and the two-person Latin-style disco dance became a craze called the Hustle Dance.
- The Hustle Dance craze spread across the United States and people began to add their own bells and whistles to it. Today, it’s known as “The Street Hustle,” “The Rope Hustle” and “The Latin Hustle.”
- Just as it sounds, The Rope Hustle is based on a particular move incorporated into the basic Hustle Dance. Dancers stay connected to each other and act as though they are held together with a rope -- swaying as one to the beat.
There is room for everyone on the Hustle Dance floor. Are you ready to boogie?
A World of Dancing Fun Awaits You at Arthur Murray
Whether you want to dip your toes into the dancing pool or are looking to take on a new dance after years of perfecting your style, Arthur Murray has great options for you.
We make dancing fun! In fact, your first lesson is absolutely free. Call or fill out our convenient online contact form and set up your complimentary lesson today.
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