Bring Out Your Fun Side -- Learn to Foxtrot!

The Foxtrot started out as a bit of a chauvinistic dance. Founder Henry Fox had the idea that women couldn’t handle complicated ballroom dances. He added a couple of “trots” or “stagger steps” so women could keep up with what was being called a ragtime dance. The truth is, however, men and women both loved the new upgraded social dance.
Arthur Murray himself brought the Foxtrot into the mainstream when he added some extra steps, brought the rhythm closer in line with the American Tango, and introduced a Big Band still popular with both the Foxtrot and Swing.
The Foxtrot, many say, is actually a history lesson in the American culture. It grew from a quiet, conservative dance to something larger than life! Those who love to Foxtrot tend to be outgoing and exciting dancers.
The Benefits of Learning to Foxtrot are Numerous
Dance itself offers so many benefits for the body and mind. It helps to increase stamina, flexibility and balance. And, it increases your happiness hormones and boosts confidence and self-esteem.
The Foxtrot has some special benefits. First, this is one dance that requires a partner so you can either get closer to your mate or meet someone new! Also, the Foxtrot requires a certain amount of grace and ability to hold your own on the dance floor.
As with learning any new activity, your body and brain have to work in sync. This is especially important as we age because it’s just as important to keep the mind active as it is to keep the body moving. The Foxtrot requires your full attention and, therefore, is a win-win for the body and mind.
A Free Foxtrot Dance Lesson is Yours for the Taking -- Call Today
Arthur Murray dance instructors love to teach the Foxtrot because students can immediately pick up the easy movements and understand quickly why ballroom dancing is so much fun.
Contact us today to schedule your complimentary first dance lesson at Arthur Murray. Give us an hour and we’ll introduce you to a new world of fun!
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